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If you’re seeing lots of spiders inside your home, there is something you should know. Your home has lots of bugs. It’s that simple. Spiders go where their food is, and spiders eat bugs. They won’t hang out in your home and create webs everywhere if there isn’t anything to catch. But there are a few more things spiders may be telling about your home.

The Truth About Spiders

Every home has spiders. Yup. You read that correctly. Spiders are everywhere. They can live in the ground. They can live in trees. They can live in the voids of your home. There are even microscopic spiders that can live on your body. But spiders—even the ones that aren’t microscopic—rarely come out into common areas. If you’re seeing them, it probably means you have lots of bugs in your home, especially if you see large spiders in your common areas. Most of the spiders that get into your home never show themselves. They creep around your home at night and go back into hiding during the day. If you see spiders during the day, it is because they’re finding lots of food in your common areas, and this may be due to large populations of insects inside your walls. It may also be due to a flying insect infestation. Flying insects are mostly found in common areas, this can lure spiders out of hiding. Nothing will let you know your home is filled with spiders faster than a fruit fly or fungus gnat infestation. Common house spiders will start setting up webs like crazy to catch those tiny morsels.

More Spiders Inside Means More Spiders Outside

If you’re seeing lots of spiders inside your home, it might be due to a large population of spiders near your home. The more spiders you have crawling on your exterior walls and foundation, the greater chance of accidental invasion. A few attractants that can lure spiders in are:

  • Lots of plants. The more vegetation you have, the more insects you’ll have. Since spiders eat insects, you’ll have more spiders.
  • Lots of light. Many insects are attracted to light. If you have exterior lights or light that comes out of your windows at night, you’ll draw insects. This will, in turn, draw spiders.
  • Lots of moisture. Many bugs are moisture pests. They need moisture to survive. The spiders that subsist on ground-dwelling bugs will be drawn to moist areas to get a bite to eat.
  • Lots of hiding places. Bugs hide under stuff. Have you noticed? If you have stuff sitting in your yard, you’re providing shaded, moist locations for bugs to live and the perfect place for spiders to feed.

Moisture Damage

When you find spiders in your home which are known for eating moisture pests, you may have moisture damage. Moisture pests often come in through areas of water damage and wood rot that have been chewed on by wood-damaging pests. While it is a scary thing to flick the light on in your bathroom and find a big hairy spider on the floor, it is even scarier to look at a bill to fix moisture damage or wood rot. You may want to consider having a contractor do a quick check of your exterior and make sure everything is okay.

Entry Points

Spiders don’t chew their way into a home. They get in through entry points. If you have lots of spiders, especially big spiders, you probably have entry points. These are gaps, cracks, and holes in your foundation wall or exterior. They could be holes created by wood-destroying pests, as mentioned above, but they may also be gaps around windows, doors, pipes, wire conduit, exterior wall penetrations, and other structural issues that can occur without pest intervention.

Spider Control Services For Your Home

If you’re seeing spiders or warning signs of spider activity in your home, reach out to Innovative Pest Control. We can help you get control of spiders and reduce their populations of bugs and spiders so that you never see them in your common areas. Contact us today to schedule spider control.


  • Spider Control,  
  • Spider Infestations,  
  • Spider Prevention

The post What An Abundance Of House Spiders Says About Your Home appeared first on Innovative Pest Control.

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