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We all know the feeling of glancing across the room and being surprised by a creepy, dark, eight-legged house guest lurking in a corner. There isn’t a household in the country that hasn’t had the occasional spider to deal with. Unfortunately, some of those spiders are more than just a cringe worthy blob on the ceiling. Some of them can be a danger to have in the house and are not to be ignored; the wolf spider is one of these.

Wolf Spider Identification

Known mostly for their resemblance to a tarantula, the wolf spider is a hairy reminder that some things are best left outside. The wolf spider can grow up to 35 mm in length, not including their legs. They generally come in black, brown or even gray colors with various patterns on their body. Besides their size, their rapid movement can also be intimidating if you find one hanging out on your window sill. The wolf spider does not spend its time hiding away in a dark closet or sitting in a web waiting for prey to find them, they tend to hide in garden areas in burrows, in fields, sandy areas, and gravel beds along riverbanks. From there they attack passing insects like grasshoppers, earwigs, other spiders, and even small rodents.

When a wolf spider finds its way inside, it is either an accident because it was on something that we brought in, or they are looking for a place to hide from the elements. These spiders will tend to hang out near windows, in houseplants, or in the garage, attic, or basement. For many pests, including the wolf spider, finding a warm, safe spot inside makes an ideal spot to set up shop, and lay eggs which she then carries with her. Imagine a whole population of wolf spider hatching in the spring right in your garage?

Though the wolf spider isn’t terribly aggressive toward humans they will defend themselves if necessary. If you do get bitten it is essential that you have it looked at by a medical professional. The wolf spider is a venomous spider and may make you ill. Many people have reported nausea and dizziness, and necrosis around the bite.

Protect Your Home From Spiders & Other Pests

Don’t take chances inside your home. If you find a wolf spider, or worse more than one wolf spider, give us a call at Innovative Pest Control and request a long-term pest control plan. Our technicians are some of the best in the business and will be on your way to inspect your home to identify if this is just a random spider or an infestation that could be dangerous to the people and pests inside. You can count on our team to remove the threat and work with you on ways to ensure that you will not have to be afraid of a wolf spider infestation again.


  • Spider Control,  
  • Spider Infestations,  
  • Wolf Spiders,  
  • Spider Prevention

The post Everything You Need To Know About Wolf Spiders appeared first on Innovative Pest Control.

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