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While most people don’t want to have any kind of pest around their home, spiders are one pest the majority of people tend to hate more than most others. While other pests can be difficult and frustrating, spiders fill people with fear and disgust, and with good reason: while they serve as a necessary form of natural pest control, they nevertheless bring serious problems to the homes they infest.

One of the main reasons people hate spiders so much is because we fear being bitten. It’s true that all spiders have fangs and venom, but for the most part, this isn’t that much of a concern. The majority of spiders are capable of biting people, but it’s rare that they will do so. Generally, spiders want to stay out of our way and be left alone, and, even if you are bitten, the vast majority of spider bites aren’t able to harm humans because the venom isn’t potent enough.
Even harmless spiders are unwelcome houseguests. However, there are a couple of species of spiders found in Texas that are more than just a nuisance and are considered dangerous. In this blog, we’ll take a look at the different types of spiders threatening your home, the problems they bring, and why to call a professional for help if spiders invade.

Nuisance Spiders In Texas

Thankfully, most spiders that invade area homes aren’t going to hurt you, your family, or your pets. The three most common nuisance spiders in the area are wolf spiders, house spiders, and jumping spiders, and none of these species have strong enough venom to be considered medically significant.
Wolf spiders are a large, hairy species that is scary to look at since they reach up to 35 mm long. They are a mix of black, grey, and brown with patterned markings, and they have short legs and a stout appearance. However, despite their creepy factor, they are harmless. 
House spiders are much smaller than wolf spiders at about 4-8 mm long. They are yellow-brown and may have some dark spots on their abdomen or other markings, and they are commonly found in places like closets, sheds, and ceiling corners.
The jumping spider has four large pairs of eyes that allow them to see much better than other spider species, and they have small hairs covering their bodies. And, just like their name suggests, they are able to jump long distances in order to attack their prey. While this might sound terrifying, they are also considered nuisance pests.

Dangerous Spiders In The Area

While most spiders you encounter around your home aren’t considered dangerous, there are two species that are considered medically significant for humans: the black widow spider and the brown recluse spider. It’s important to know how to identify these spiders and understand their behavior in order to keep yourself and others around you safe, so here is a guide to these dangerous pests:

  • Black widow spiders: It’s fairly easy to identify a black widow spider given their shiny black coloring and the red hourglass marking they have on their underbellies. Black widow spiders are attracted to dimly lit, cluttered areas and often live in wood piles, crawl spaces, and garages.
  • Brown recluse spiders: The brown recluse is one of the most commonly misidentified spiders that’s often mistaken for a wolf spider or funnel-web spider. However, the best way to tell them apart from other species is by their lack of markings and patterns other than the violin-shaped design behind their heads. They are light brown to yellow-brown in color.

How To Protect Your Home From Spiders

Whether they are nuisance species or more dangerous, all spiders are attracted to a home because they are searching for prey. If you’ve noticed more spiders around your property than normal, it almost always means you have underlying pest problems that are drawing them to the area. The best and safest way to remove spiders is to get help from the experts at Innovative Pest Control. Our team of trained technicians can remove both spiders and their pest prey, and we will provide ongoing assistance to keep them from coming back.
If you’d like to learn more about our residential pest control options for spider control, contact us online or by phone to request your free inspection.


  • Spider Control,  
  • Spider Infestations,  
  • Wolf Spiders,  
  • Spider Prevention

The post How To Tell If The Spiders Around Your Home Are Dangerous appeared first on Innovative Pest Control.

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