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Innovative Pest Control


Have you ever looked at a tiny flea hopping around on the floor and wondered if it was a baby flea? Are you currently wondering this? If either is the case, you probably don’t know as much as you should about fleas. Baby fleas don’t hop. Only adult fleas hop. If you’re seeing a little speck of a flea, it is because you’re looking at a species of flea that is really small. That isn’t a baby flea. Baby fleas, which are called larvae, don’t hop around, and they are incapable of biting you. They wiggle around and feed on flea dirt. Flea dirt is the feces of adult fleas. Inside this material is blood that the adult flea has consumed. Why is it important to understand this? Because a flea infestation can continue for several months in your home if you’re only having success killing adult fleas. If left untreated, flea larvae will become cocooned pupae, and the pupae will emerge as adult fleas. These adult fleas will bite you, lay eggs, and leave flea dirt for the larvae when they hatch. This can happen over and over and over. Here’s how you stop the cycle.

Flea Control

There are some steps you can take to arrest a flea infestation in your Texas home. If you catch an infestation early, these tips may stop the problem.

  • Give your pet a bath with a prescribed product from your veterinarian.
  • Make sure your pet has a flea collar if your veterinarian determines that it is right for your pet and your family.
  • Clean all pet bedding, including items your pet lays on.
  • If your pet lays on your bed, clean your bedding.
  • Vacuum your floors, rugs, and furniture to pick up eggs, flea dirt, and larvae. Dispose of the vacuum bag outside.

If fleas continue to appear, it may be necessary to use flea control products. These should be administered by a pest professional. A licensed technician will apply appropriate products that will work to break the cycle of reproduction in your home and provide a residual that will address new fleas that are introduced. Some treatment programs provide several months of protection as you work to address the reasons fleas are coming into your home.

Flea Prevention

If you don’t have a flea infestation yet, there are many things you can do to prevent an infestation from taking root in your home.

  • Fleas are brought into your yard by wildlife. Everything you do to control wildlife around your home will have an impact on flea populations. Make sure your trash is in covered containers that cannot be knocked over by an animal. Put bird feeders away from your exterior. Keep your lawn trimmed. Remove unnecessary vegetation. Put fencing around food sources such as fruit trees, berry bushes, and gardens.
  • Fleas can develop in areas where flea dirt and eggs have been dropped in the same area. This usually happens in dens and nests. Apply fencing to keep animals from nesting under your deck, porch, patio, and other structures. Remove logs, woodpiles, brush, and lawn clutter. Any object an animal can hide inside is a potential breeding site for fleas.  
  • If you have a dog, and you do not have a fenced-in area for your dog to play in, we highly recommend creating one. Fencing will reduce wildlife traffic in this sensitive area. It will also prevent your dog from running around in vegetation where fleas can be waiting.
  • Fleas need moisture to develop. Refrain from overwatering your lawn and landscaping.

Professional Flea Control

If you live in Texas, and you need assistance with flea control in your home or in your yard, we can help. The pest control team at Innovative Pest Control uses the most advanced products and strategies to get control of fleas. We also offer rodent control, which may be essential for the control of fleas in your home. Rodents bring fleas inside and spread them around your home. If they aren’t dealt with, you can continue to have ongoing flea problems. Reach out to us today and request an inspection for your home. We’re here to help you with all your pest control needs.


  • Flea & Tick Prevention,  
  • Flea & Tick Control,  
  • Flea & Tick in Texas

The post What You Should Do About Fleas In Your Home appeared first on Innovative Pest Control.

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