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Innovative Pest Control


Don’t look now, but a small horde of these predatory pests are waking up just in time for the springtime weather – and they’re sneaking into a basement near you! Unlike their close cousin, the millipede, centipedes are small biting arthropods with a penchant for the darkest and wettest spaces in your home. Don’t let their name deceive you: these creatures are not actually the owners of 100 legs. The average number of legs per centipede ranges from 15 pairs to around 117 pairs. This depends on the age and size of the centipede, which grows more legs as it matures.

Centipedes are most likely to be found hiding in the dark. Basements and crawlspaces, as well as leaf piles and rotting wood, are among some of these insects’ most cherished habitats. As hunters, these pests prefer fresh kills over scavenging, and will attack and eat many different kinds of insects that pass by their homes. 
Centipedes differ from millipedes in a number of ways, but perhaps the greatest difference lies in their eating habits. Centipedes are carnivorous and may bite when threatened, although their bites are not considered to be medically dangerous. A centipede bite feels much like a bee sting, and the pain will likely not last longer than a few hours.

Centipede Prevention Tips For Homes

Since centipedes are important members of Texas’ outdoor ecosystem, there is no real way to totally keep them out of your home or off your lawn. Instead, try implementing these important prevention tips to slow the spread of infestation as quickly as possible.

  • First and foremost, centipedes require high levels of humidity or air moisture in order to survive. Remove these elements from your home by using a dehumidifier and repairing any leaky pipes or clogged drains. Other areas of the home experiencing water buildup should be addressed by a trusted local professional. 
  • As hunters, centipedes prefer to have a large amount of protein in their diets. Prey species include black flies, spiders, and other small arachnids. Ensure that your home is protected against other types of pests that could be attracting centipedes. Take immediate action if an infestation is discovered. 
  • Centipedes are found in dark and damp areas of the lawn, such as underneath rocks or rotted tree bark. Keep all shrubbery and assorted vegetation pruned away from the sides of the home, and keep the grass cut to a manageable length. 
  • Smaller pests like centipedes find their way into homes by taking advantage of the cracks or crevices that have not yet been sealed. Use caulking or another type of sealing agent to close all possible entry points on the perimeter of your home.

Try as we might, pest infestations cannot be entirely abated without professional pest control measures and licensed treatments. Not sure what the extent of your centipede populations are? Reach out to Innovative Pest Control now to schedule your free home inspection.

Trust Innovative Pest Control For Innovative Pest Solutions

Dealing with centipede infestations, or any other type of severe pest infestation, may feel very isolating for the affected homeowner. With so many concerns to address and so many insects to exterminate, the experience is likely to put a bad taste in anyone’s mouth. 
To nip any rising pest infestations in the bud, contact the helpful professionals at Innovative Pest Control today. Proud providers of expert pest control advice and fast extermination services, the team at Innovative Pest Control has been helping homeowners get and stay pest-free for more than 25 years. Call our main office today to speak with a service professional, or fill out our online contact form to get in touch right away.


  • Home Pest Control,  
  • House Centipedes,  
  • Pest Prevention

The post Are Centipedes Dangerous? appeared first on Innovative Pest Control.

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