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Despite their small size, ants are one of the most annoying pests in Texas. While some local ants cause property damage, others have painful stings. Pavement ants don’t do either, but that doesn’t mean they’re not harmful. Learn more about pavement ants and what consequences come with an infestation.

What Are Pavement Ants?

Pavement ants are small, black, or dark brown ants. On average, they only grow to be about 1/16th of an inch long. If you look closely at a pavement ant, you can see parallel lines on the head and thorax. The legs tend to be paler than the body. 

Some pavement ants in the colony have wings, and while these ants look like the unwinged workers, they are much larger. Females with wings have spines, but you probably won’t notice this until you get up close with the ant. Even then, it’s easy to confuse a pavement ant with other ants. 

The best way to positively identify a pavement ant is to look at its behavior. Usually, pavement ants create colonies under sidewalks, rocks, and building slabs. At times, they enter homes through cracks in such slabs. You might notice piles of sand and soil near cracks, and these could be from ants pushing their way through the cracks. 

But Are They Dangerous?

Most people only consider pavement ants to be nuisance creatures. Although they do have a stinger, pavement ants rarely sting people. When they do, not much happens, but on rare occasions, people have reactions to pavement ant stings and develop an irritation or rash. 

That said, there is a health concern associated with a pavement ant infestation. After entering your home, pavement ants can get into your food and crawl on your surfaces. They have the potential to spread bacteria like salmonella throughout your home. While salmonella is rarely fatal, it can be a severe illness. Even with a minor infection, you could experience gastrointestinal discomfort for days. 

The biggest issue with these ants is their ability to reproduce rapidly. Most ants are indeed social, but the pavement ant is especially so. Some colonies can have as many as 10,000 workers. When a queen moves to a new home, she lays eggs that develop within three months. As a result, pavement ants reproduce quickly.

Getting Rid Of Pavement Ants

Once pavement ants get into your home, you’ll struggle to get rid of them. Unless you remove every pavement ant from your property, they will endure. Your pavement ant problem will persist.

Because of the challenges that come with any elimination, pavement ant prevention is key. All of the following tips can keep your property free of ants:

Clean Crumbs

If you have any crumbs in your home, pavement ants will find them. One of the best ways to deter ants is by maintaining a clean home. After you eat, clean the table and floors. The longer you allow crumbs to sit out, the more likely it is that ants will find their way into your home.

Do A Deep Clean

A deep clean of your home is another effective way to make your property less appealing to ants. Every so often, move your stove and other appliances out and clean underneath them. Doing so will remove excess crumbs.

Close Up Entrances

By removing cracks and crevices from your home, you make it harder for pavement ants to get inside. Just remember how small pavement ants are, so you need to seal up tiny openings. 

Call The Innovative Pest Control Professionals

For the best results, work with a pest control professional who knows how to treat homes inside and out. Here at Innovative Pest Control, we’re ready to help. Call now to learn more!


  • Ant Control,  
  • Ant Prevention

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